Friday, January 29, 2010


We stopped the Pantry Clean out last weekend... this week the hubster and I are on the serious "eat healthy" binge! With our main goal of losing weight... but also just getting in the habit of smaller portions and being more conscious of what we are eating! I have done pretty well, lost about 5 pounds so far... I know that probably won't continue...but it certainly gives you encouragement to keep up with the healthy eating! The hubbie - I think has lost 3.

Used my icecream maker a couple of time... made a pistachio gelato which was good.... I think maybe a few too many pistachios... but we ate it all! and made a coconut banana ice cream from the Cooking Light book. It is good also... although the bananas are starting to turn a little brown so it doesn't look as good as it did when I first made cream is only supposed to be brown if it has chocolate in it!

I started this last week and then was distracted by my messy living room, so stopped blogging, cleaned, rearranged furniture (I am that type of person - can't leave anything in the same place for too long) and watered the plants. Now I can't remember where I was going with the blog. Usually, I sit down and kind of have in my mind the basics of what I want to clue as to what I was going to share... hum.... old age??? Please no comments on that one!

I will share with you the Banana-Coconut Ice Cream recipe because it was so easy! Hopefully, you have an ice cream maker....

1 1/2 cups 2% milk
1 cup cream of coconut
1/3 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups mashed ripe banana (about 3 bananas)

Combine first 3 ingredients in a medium bowl, stirring until sugar dissolves. Stir in banana; cover and chill (I didn't chill mine but maybe 5 minutes)

Pour mixture into ice cream maker and make according to your manufacturer's directions.

I liked it a lot... I might use less bananas or add a few coconut flakes just to give it a little stronger coconut flavor.

Ya'll have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. I just read this and boy oh boy does my brain jump from one subject to another - I must need a vacation!
