Saturday, January 31, 2009

Hello, Bonjour, Hola

Hello -
I haven't decided if this is going to be a personal blog that I don't share with my friends and family or if I will air all the dirty laundry for everyone to read...

At any rate - I have a couple of subjects I would like to ponder on this evening.... the first being children. I have 2. I have no desire to have more than 2 and there are days that I don't want my 2. Today, I asked my husband if there was a social services that comes and takes parents away... because I would like the phone number if there is. It isn't that I don't love my children dearly. I think they are wonderful children individually. It is when they are together and constantly arguing, bickering, and and calling each other "idiot" that is driving me crazy and causing me to question their wonderfulness.

Friends. Well, life is very very good when we have good friends. I have a good friend. She just has this location problem...a 932 miles location problem. I know - I checked mapquest. And today is one of those days that I could really use my 932 mile challenged friend and a big ole glass of wine.

I guess that is how I will leave it for today....