Friday, January 29, 2010


We stopped the Pantry Clean out last weekend... this week the hubster and I are on the serious "eat healthy" binge! With our main goal of losing weight... but also just getting in the habit of smaller portions and being more conscious of what we are eating! I have done pretty well, lost about 5 pounds so far... I know that probably won't continue...but it certainly gives you encouragement to keep up with the healthy eating! The hubbie - I think has lost 3.

Used my icecream maker a couple of time... made a pistachio gelato which was good.... I think maybe a few too many pistachios... but we ate it all! and made a coconut banana ice cream from the Cooking Light book. It is good also... although the bananas are starting to turn a little brown so it doesn't look as good as it did when I first made cream is only supposed to be brown if it has chocolate in it!

I started this last week and then was distracted by my messy living room, so stopped blogging, cleaned, rearranged furniture (I am that type of person - can't leave anything in the same place for too long) and watered the plants. Now I can't remember where I was going with the blog. Usually, I sit down and kind of have in my mind the basics of what I want to clue as to what I was going to share... hum.... old age??? Please no comments on that one!

I will share with you the Banana-Coconut Ice Cream recipe because it was so easy! Hopefully, you have an ice cream maker....

1 1/2 cups 2% milk
1 cup cream of coconut
1/3 cup sugar
1 1/2 cups mashed ripe banana (about 3 bananas)

Combine first 3 ingredients in a medium bowl, stirring until sugar dissolves. Stir in banana; cover and chill (I didn't chill mine but maybe 5 minutes)

Pour mixture into ice cream maker and make according to your manufacturer's directions.

I liked it a lot... I might use less bananas or add a few coconut flakes just to give it a little stronger coconut flavor.

Ya'll have a great week!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

beauty is in the eye of the beholder

as the old saying goes... beauty is in the eye of the beholder.... well, how about... success is in the eye of the beholder.... or success is in the eye of the mother? we each measure success differently. I know I still have a little over a week to go on the pantry challenge... but I am deeming it successful....I went to look for a can of tomato sauce... and lo and behold... the cupboards were bare.... I have very few canned goods in my cabinet....3 cans of refried beans left... what am I going to do with 3 cans of refried beans?? why did I buy 3 cans of refried beans?? do we like refried beans??

Enough about beans.... I just ordered a new cookbook (because the 45 I have, just aren't enough). I am going to try and hold off going to the grocery store until it arrives in the mail! I am going on 13 months of not working... so I need to look at some areas to start saving money and groceries is definitely an area I could use some help! How much tooting would 3 cans of refried beans bring on?? Stay on track, Melissa!

I just put the ingredients for Barbecue Bean Stew in the crockpot... (I had a steak that needed to be used and I added a can of pinto beans to the recipe so I am still cleaning out the pantry.) I will be anxious to let you all know how it turns out. And if the picky kids will eat it? This month of trying to stay away from the grocery, I have made some things that I rarely make or have never made and I have to admit, I have been impressed.... my picky P-Man has tried (and even liked) some things I would never have imagined... meatloaf! Pork patties (who can resist something that is fried?) and pork chops... I am not a big meatloaf fan.... but the recipe I have is pretty good.... make your basic meatloaf recipe and add some italian seasonings to it.... then instead of making a "loaf" - roll it out to about an inch thick square.... put mozzarella cheese inside..roll it up into the loaf, pinch up your ends.... and bake 45 min... pour tomato sauce over it and then let it finish cooking another 15-30 min! When you cut it open the cheese will ooze out... the kids like this!

Okay, I need to sort through the huge pile of papers on my kitchen counter and right now, I am chatting on and on so I can procrastinate....
get moving Melissa!

Have a great day!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

eat from the pantry challenge

well, my goal was not to spend more than $120 this month on food... not going to make it... to my defense...

1) I don't think I had as much in my pantry as I thought 2) the son is sick so I ran out and picked up sprite, jello, etc... foods that I thought he might eat while he isn't feeling well 3) I have used a lot of items that have needed to be used up.

For example, last night I made spaghetti - which I had to buy pasta for... but I did use up the meatballs that had been sitting in the freezer for a while. Every meal has included something that needed to be used up... so I do feel good about that.

Tonight we are having shrimp with rice... need to look for a recipe! Which leads me to a fun little website I found... It has some recipes with good pictures and funny other little tidbits about Tom's travels and life...

Have a great day!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

monday - hurry up and get here!

I never thought I would be sooo excited for a monday... but any of you from KC know... that we have had a ton of snow... well over 240 hours of temperatures under 32 degrees.... and therefore; our kids have not gone back to school yet from Christmas break.......... ugh! really ugh... Love my kids dearly.... but mom has got to have a break....

Cleaning out the pantry.... actually, it has gone pretty well... we have had chicken pot pie, macaroni and cheese, quiche, tuna noodle casserole (kids weren't too crazy about this one), pork chops, meatloaf, ham and bean soup, left overs one night....we did have friends over on Jan. 2nd.... so I made a regular lasagna and a mushroom lasagna... (which was amazing! - let me know if you want the recipe!)

I did cheat a little.... December 30th or 31st (can't remember which) I did a huge grocery run and picked up stuff for the evening with our friends. But since then, I have spent probably about $90 in groceries... a little more than I planned.... but not as much as I usually spend. This means I only have about $30 to spend for the rest of the month...not too worried about it until the last week... next week we are having spaghetti, chicken sandwiches, hamburger helper (remember we are cleaning out the pantry - for some reason we have a box of hamburger helper...) shrimp with rice, chicken curry....

the spouse says we have been eating better than we usually do...I think he is stretching it a bit on that one.... but it does feel good to know I am using up what we have around the house! Although we may all gain 10 pounds from this experiment... we never eat this many desserts... but I had cookie dough, cake mix, cheesecake mix, angel food cake mix, etc..... that needed to be used!

Alright, I hear the timer buzzing on the oven.... gotta run.... but one final note... the quiche I made is from Julia Child's cook book - and let me tell you - it was fabulous! If you want that recipe - let me know!

Will try to include some pictures next time!