Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I did it again

I baked a cake... a carrot cake mind you this time....it was okay. While I am bragging, I must also confess - I used a mix. Therefore, it was only okay. I doctored up the mix... but alas, I did use a mix. I added some raisins, pecans (I don't like walnuts) and hush don't tell the family - but I also added dates. I should have added some real carrots.... but when I checked the cupboard - the cupboard was bare... woe is me...

Last time I was in the baking mode - I took a picture... but this time I forgot... but I did put some cute carrots made out of frosting on top. Here's my excuse - Julie declared this green week and they were orange carrots... so I couldn't take a pic.

Julie - let me know when it is red week- then I can make a red velvet cake!

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